Mark 13:10 - And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
The first publications Gospel Nuggets offered were Source of Light Correspondence Courses. There were many different types of lessons one could take and grow as a new Christian or come to accept Jesus as their Savior. At its pinnacle, there were over 50,000 students across the country and world enrolled. In the past five years God began moving the ministry away from the correspondence school and the focus has been on expanding our literature. We no longer offer the correspondence courses, but you can enroll in them by visiting
In 1993, a small print shop was built by the labor of Gospel Nuggets supporters, and the tract ministry of Gospel Nuggets was born. Bro. David Stone was the first who oversaw the print shop and printed millions of tracts on two offset presses. Eventually his health declined, and the presses were given to another ministry in Central America. Bro. Rick Pevey, a longtime friend of Bro. Diffey, would drive from Baton Rouge every couple of weeks and print for a few days. This continued until God showed up with a man named Earl Brown. Bro. Earl printed, cut, folded, and boxed nearly 40 million tracts over his 10-year tenure with Gospel Nuggets. In December 2021, after Christmas dinner with his niece, he laid down for a nap never to wake in his earthly body again. He was 90 years old. What joy it must have been for him to meet people in Heaven who were saved through his selfless service to Jesus. Now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Layne, and I am the youngest son of Bro. Huey and Mrs. Phyllis Diffey. I caught the torch Bro. Earl carried and until the Lord says otherwise, I run the day-to-day operations of our literature ministry. I manage all editing, production, and distribution. To walk alongside and assist Bro. Diffey (my dad) in literature creation is a great honor for me. English and Spanish are the primary languages we print. We currently print 4,000,000 tracts a year and rotate between the two languages with 76 tracts in the printing rotation. We have the ability to print 12,000,000 tracts a year (300,000 a week) with financial support and a proper facility to store them. Our two Risograph machines labor hard for the Lord, and He keeps them running. Our 3.5-year-old machine has over 14.5 million copies on it with our newer machine at 2 million. I personally deliver our English tracts to Love Packages in Decatur, Alabama, where they are divided over multiple shipping containers to go overseas. Bro. Trinidad Garza picks up our Spanish literature and transports it to South Texas as a part of his ministry. From there, preachers and ministries from Mexico and the surrounding area pick up what they need and disseminate in their regions and other Central and South American countries. Two booklets Bro. Diffey wrote were translated into Spanish during 2022. Since then, we have gone from putting two booklets in each box to printing thousands. We continuously are having booklets and tracts translated. This would not happen without the assistance of Eli Myers. She loves the Lord and this ministry. She is an intricate part in propelling the Spanish portion of this ministry forward. At every turn God continues to increase the growth of Gospel Nuggets. The financial support of this ministry, by people who believe in what we do and have a burden for unsaved people to know Jesus, is how this ministry operates. Like daddy says, "Weve been operating on faith for over 50 years and we're not going to change now." English Tract MinistryWe currently have 76 tracts in rotation with others in various stages of development. Click on any tract to view or download the contents:
Tracts For ChristiansEnglish Booklets